
Alvord, Sarah H., Brown, L. David David and Letts, Christine W., "Social Entrepreneurship and Social Transformation: An Exploratory Study" (November 2002). Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations Working Paper No. 15. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=354082 or DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.354082


Garcia, Tonya; Lesova, Polya; Swindler, Josie and Tuggle, Kathryn. “Class of ’07: The Fast Company/Monitor Group Social Capitalist Award Winners.”   Fast Company, Issue 111, December 2006. 2006.

Other recommended Readings and resources:

Mosher-Williams, Rachel (Editor), “Research on social entrepreneurship: understanding and contributing to an emerging field”. ARNOVA Occasional Paper Series. Volume 1, Number 3 (2006)

Skoll Foundation: http://www.skollfoundation.org

Center for Advancement of SE: http://www.fuqua.duke.edu/centers/case/

Schwab Foundation: http://www.schwabfound.org/

Ashoka http://www.ashoka.org

SEKN. Strategy in Social Enterprise. Chapter 3 in Effective Management 

of Social Enterprises. Lessons from Business and Civil Society 

Organizations in Iberoamerica. SEKN. David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University Press, (April 2006).


Intermón Oxfam: the tension between efficiency and values

Alfred Vernis and Angel Saz (SEKN-Harvard Business School).

Other recommended Readings and resources:

Oster, Sharon M. Strategic Management for Nonprofit Organizations.  Chapter 1, “Introduction” and Chapter 2, “The Mission of Nonprofit Organizations.” Oxford University Press (1995).

Oxfam International: http://www.oxfam.org/en/

Vernis, Alfred ; Iglesias, Maria ; Sanz, Beatriz ; Saz-Carranza, Àngel. Accountability Elements in Nonprofits. Chapter 5 in Nonprofit Organizations. Challenges and Collaboration. Palgrave Macmillan,     

forthcoming (April 2006). 


Annual Reports Exercise (explain in case, due 22nd  February).

Other recommended Readings and resources:

Global Reporting Initiative: http://www.globalreporting.org/Home

Independent Sector: http://www.independentsector.org

Board Source: http://www.boardsource.org/
