Activitats Introductòries An introduction to theoretical frameworks:
* what is gender?
* the development of gender & genre in literature and philosophy
* Author & Authority
* The Death of the Author: Roland Barthes versus Barbara Christian
Sessió Magistral Gender theories &
* Psychoanalysis
* ideologies
* Language
* Sexuality & Power
Seminaris Guided discussions of textual analyses. Class debates. Problem solving.
Presentacions / exposicions The class will be divided into groups of 3 or 4 (depending on the total number of students). Each group will prepare a power-point presentation on a topic of their choice. The topic has to be discussed with me in a tutorial at least one week before the presentation. After your presentation, you have to hand in a written summary within a week. More details will be given on Moodle
Atenció personalitzada Group tutorials: these should take place at least one week before your class presentation. All group members must be present for the tutorial.