Tema Subtema
1. Language and linguistics: Part 2 (Part 1 in Llengua Anglesa III) 1.1 Language
1.1.1 Spoken vs. written language
1.1.2 Formal vs. informal language
1.1.3 Standard vs. non-standard vs. incorrect language
1.2 Morphology
1.2.1 The scope of morphology
1.2.2 Words, morphemes, roots, affixes, stems and bases
1.3 Syntax
1.3.1 The scope of syntax
1.3.2 Words, phrases, clauses and sentences
1.4 Form, function and meaning
1.5 English vs. Catalan/Spanish (considered in sections 2 to 11 below)
1.5.1 Usage
1.5.2 Error analysis: identification, explanation and correction
1.5.3 Translation
2. Principles of sentence organization 2.1 Sentence constituents and tests of constituency
2.1.1 Test 1: (a) question formation and (b) ability to stand alone as an answer to a question
2.1.2 Test 2: substitution by (a) a pro-form and (b) an element of the same phrasal/syntactic category
2.1.3 Test 3: movement by means of (a) pre-posing and (b) post-posing
2.1.4 Test 4: (a) active-passive transformation or (b) passive-active transformation
2.1.5 Test 5: cleft-sentence formation
2.1.6 Test 6: coordination
2.2 Linear order
2.3 Hierarchical structure
2.3.1 Tree diagrams
2.3.2 Re-write rules
3. Verb types / Verb complementation 3.1 Intransitive
3.2 Copular / Intensive / Linking
3.3 Monotransitive
3.4 Complex transitive
3.5 Ditransitive
4. Functions of sentence elements 4.1 Subject
4.2 Predicate
4.3 Complements
4.3.1 Subject complement
4.3.2 Object complement
4.4 Objects
4.4.1 Direct object
4.4.2 Indirect object
4.4.3 Prepositional object
4.5 Adverbials
4.5.1 Obligatory adverbials
4.5.2 Optional adverbials
5. Basic sentence structures 5.1 SV
5.2 SVC
5.3 SVA
5.4 SVO
5.5 SVOO
5.6 SVOC
5.7 SVOA
6. Ambiguity 6.1 Lexical ambiguity
6.2 Structural ambiguity
6.2.1 At phrase level
6.2.2 At sentence level
7. Phrases 7.1 The noun phrase
7.1.1 Structure
7.1.2 Functions
7.2 The adjective phrase
7.2.1 Structure
7.2.2 Functions
7.3 The adverb phrase
7.3.1 Structure
7.3.2 Functions
7.4 The prepositional phrase
7.4.1 Structure
7.4.2 Functions
7.5 The verb phrase (see 3. Verb types / Verb complementation & 8. Finite vs. nonfinite verb forms, verb groups and clauses)
8. Subordinate clauses: Part 2 (Part 1 in Llengua Anglesa III) 8.1 Finite vs. nonfinite verb forms, verb groups and clauses
8.1.1 Finite tense aspect mood voice
8.1.2 Nonfinite Participle -ing participle -ed participle Infinitive to infinitive bare infinitive
8.1.3 Verbless clauses
8.2 Nominal clauses
8.2.1 Structural types That to infinitive -ing Yes/No interrogative Wh-word interrogative Relative
8.2.2 Functions Subject Direct object Indirect object Subject complement Object complement Complement of the noun Complement of the adjective Complement of the preposition
9. Non-basic sentence structures 9.1 Fronting
9.2 Inversion
9.3 Extraposition / Anticipatory IT
9.4 Existential sentences / THERE-sentences
9.5 Cleft sentences
9.6 Pseudo-cleft sentences
10. Multi-word verbs [Words: Part 2b (Part 1 in Llengua Anglesa III)] 10.1.1 Phrasal verbs
10.1.2 Prepositional verbs
10.1.3 Phrasal-prepositional verbs
10.1.4 Free combinations
11. Word-formation processes [Words: Part 2a (Part 1 in Llengua Anglesa III)] 11.1 Affixation
11.1.1 Prefixation
11.1.2 Suffixation
11.2 Conversion
11.3 Compounding
11.4 Clipping
11.5 Blending
11.6 Acronymy
11.7 Reduplication
12. Practical component This course includes biweekly oral practice sessions that concentrate on intensive speaking and listening exercises.