
Referencias por temas (segunda parte del seminario)

“Desarrollo, políticas de planificación familiar y salud sexual y reproductiva”

Tema 1:

Control de la natalidad versus derechos reproductivos: la esterilización femenina en cuestión

Cardarello A. (2012). “The right to have a family: ‘legal trafficking of children’, adoption and birth control in Brazil”, Anthropology & Medicine, Special Issue ed. by De Zordo S., Marchesi M.: “Irrational reproduction: new intersections of politics, gender, race and class across the north-south divide”, 19 (2): 225-240 (re-published in:  De Zordo S., Marchesi M., (Eds.) Reproduction and Biopolitics: Ethnographies of Governance, "Irrationality" and Resistance, Routledge ed., London and New York, 2014: 89-104).

De Zordo S (2006) “La planificación familiar en blanco y negro: algunas imágenes de Bahia (Brasil)”, in Viveros Vigoya M. (Ed.) Imágenes y palabras en torno al género y la sexualidad en América Latina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia ed.: 129-159.


De Zordo S. (2012) “Programming the body, planning reproduction, governing life: the ‘(ir-) rationality’ of family planning and the embodiment of social inequalities in Salvador da Bahia (Brazil)”, Anthropology & Medicine, Special Issue ed. by De Zordo S., Marchesi M.: “Irrational reproduction: new intersections of politics, gender, race and class across the north-south divide”, 19 (2): 207-223 (re-published in:  De Zordo S., Marchesi M., (Eds.) Reproduction and Biopolitics: Ethnographies of Governance, "Irrationality" and Resistance, Routledge ed., London and New York, 2014: 71-87).


De Zordo S. “In search of pleasure and respect: biomedical contraceptive technologies in Bahia, Brazil”, in Manderson Lenor (Ed.) Technologies of Sexuality, Identity and Sexual Health, Routledge ed., London & New York, May 2012:16-34.

McCallum C. (2005). “Explaining caesarean section in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil”, Sociology of Health and Illness, 27(2):215-42.

Scheper-Hugues, N. (1992). Death without weeping. Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press.

Ewig, C. (2008). “Hijacking Global Feminism. Feminists, the Catholic Church and the Family Planning Debacle in Peru”, in Elliott, C. M. (Ed.) Global Empowerment of women. Responses to Globalization and Politicized Religions, Routledge, London & New York: 327-347

Maternowska, M. C. (2006) Reproducing inequalities. Poverty and the Politics of Population in Haiti, Rutgers University Press.

Lopez, I. (2008). Matters of Choice. Puerto Rican Women’s Struggle for Reproductive Freedom, Rutgers University Press.


Tema 2:

Contracepción y prevención de las enfermedades sexualmente transmisibles, entre empoderamiento, control y reproducción de las desigualdades

Agot, K. (2008) “Women, Culture, and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. What does the ‘Empowerment’ Discourse leave out”, in Elliott, C. M. (Ed.) Global Empowerment of women. Responses to Globalization and Politicized Religions, Routledge: 288-302.

Hardon, A. (2012) “The turn to female-controlled safe sex technologies” in Manderson Lenor (Ed.) Technologies of Sexuality, Identity and Sexual Health, Routledge ed., London & New York: 55-72.

Marchesi, M. (2012). “Reproducing Italians: contested biopolitics in the age of replacement anxiety”, Anthropology & Medicine, Special Issue ed. by De Zordo S., Marchesi M.: “Irrational reproduction: new intersections of politics, gender, race and class across the north-south divide”, 19 (2): 171-188 (re-published in:  De Zordo S., Marchesi M., (Eds.) Reproduction and Biopolitics: Ethnographies of Governance, "Irrationality" and Resistance, Routledge ed., London and New York, 2014: 35-52).

Sanabria, E. (2010). “From Sub- to Super-Citizenship: Sex Hormones and the Body Politic in Brazil”, Ethnos, 75 (4): 377 – 401.

Sargent, C. & Kotobi, L. (2012). “Contraceptive secrets: body battels among North and West African migrants in Paris”, in Manderson L. (Ed.) Technologies of Sexuality, Identity and Sexual Health, Routledge ed., London & New York, May 2012: 35-54.

Varley, E. (2012). “Islamic logics, reproductive rationalities: family planning in northern Pakistan”, Anthropology & Medicine, Special Issue ed. by De Zordo S., Marchesi M.: “Irrational reproduction: new intersections of politics, gender, race and class across the north-south divide”, 19 (2), pg. 189-206 (re-published in:  De Zordo S., Marchesi M., (Eds.) Reproduction and Biopolitics: Ethnographies of Governance, "Irrationality" and Resistance, Routledge ed., London and New York, 2014: 53-70).

Viveros Vigoya, M. & Gil, F. (2013). “From social inequalities to cultural differences: gender, “race” and ethnicity in sexual and reproductive health in Colombia” in Sivori H. et al. (Eds) Sexuality, Culture and Politics - A South American Reader, CLAM-CEPESC, Rio de Janeiro: 560-572.


Tema 3:

Desarrollo y morbi-mortalidad materna: el derecho y el acceso al aborto seguro en cuestión

Chavkin, C. (2010). “Anthropology and advocacy”, CAR newsletter, vol. 17, Issue 1, p. 5-6.

De Zordo S., Mishtal J. (2011) “Physicians and Abortion: Provision, Political Participation and Conflicts on the Ground. The cases of Brazil and Poland”, Women’s Health Issues, Supplement: “Abortion, Reproductive Rights and Health”, 21 (35): S 32-S36.


De Zordo, S. (2016). “The biomedicalization of illegal abortion: tensions around the use (and abuse) of self-administered misoprostol in Salvador da Bahia’s public hospitals”, Manguinhos: História, Ciências, Saúde (Special Issue: “The biomedicalization of Latin-American bodies: anthropological perspectives”), January-March 2016, 23 (1): 19-35.

Diniz, D. (2017). Zika. From the Brazilian Backlands to Global Threat. Zed Books.

Diniz, D. & Medeiros, M. (2010). “Aborto no Brasil: uma pesquisa domiciliar com técnica de urna”. Ciênc. saúde coletiva ,  15( Suppl 1 ): 959-966.

Diniz, D. et al. (2014) “La verdad de la violación en los servicios de aborto legal en Brasil”, Rev. bioét., 22 (2): 292-9.

Hancart Petitet, P. (2017). “Abortion politics in Cambodia social history, local forms and transnational issues”, Global Public Health (Special Issue: “Re-situating Abortion: Bio-politics, Global Health and Rights in Neo-liberal Times”), vol. 13(6):  692-701.

Heilborn, M. L. et al. (2013) “Abortion and life trajectories in four Latin American cities”, Sivori H. et al. (Eds) Sexuality, Culture and Politics - A South American Reader, CLAM-CEPESC, Rio de Janeiro: 246-259.

Kumar, A. et al. (2009). “Conceptualising abortion stigma”. Culture Health & Sexuality, 11(6): 625-39.

Norris, A. et al. (2011). “Abortion stigma: A reconceptualization of constituents, causes and consequences”, Women’s Health Issues, Supplement, 21 (35): S49-S54.

Suh, S. (2017). “Accounting for abortion: Accomplishing transnational reproductive governance through post-abortion care in Senegal”, Global Public Health (Special Issue: “Re-situating Abortion: Bio-politics, Global Health and Rights in Neo-liberal Times”), vol. 13(6): 662-679.

Unnithan-Kumar, M. (2009). “Female selective abortion – beyond ‘culture’: family making and gender inequality in a globalizing India”, Culture, Health & Sexuality, 2 (2): 153-166.

