Activitats Introductòries The course will begin with an initial discussion of the life of the professional translator and the linguistic and technological competences needed to produce quality professional translations efficiently. The course design, structure and format will also be presented and the course assignments and evaluations will be defined.
Pràctiques a través de TIC Students will be given five translation assignments during the course to be completed via the online course management system.
Resolució de problemes, exercicis The consolidation (homework) exercises are designed to enable students to practise the concepts analysed during the group sessions. These exercises will be discussed thoroughly in class during the following group session.
Seminaris Treball en profunditat sobre un tema (monogràfic), ampliació i relació dels continguts donats a les sessions magistrals amb el quefer professional mitjançant webconferència (Adobe Connect), publicació de materials en diversos formats i altres eines de l'aula virtual.
Atenció personalitzada To contact students during the course the tutor will use their official URV email addresses. Students are also welcome to consult their tutor during official office hours or by email.