Activitats Introductòries Activities designed for getting to know each other, for gathering information about the students and for introducing the subject.
Sessió Magistral Presentation of the content of the subject
Simulació Practice of the tools the students will be needing for elaborating the final task (both in terms of language and in terms of cognitive knowledge)
Resolució de problemes, exercicis a l'aula ordinària Formulation, analysis, resolution and debate about problems, trends or techniques related to the teaching and the learning of English.
Resolució de problemes, exercicis a l'aula ordinària Preparing the final task in group for presenting it in front of the others.
Presentacions / exposicions Oral presentation of a group work (previously submitted in writing)
Atenció personalitzada Personal meetings where we will talk about the subject and about the student to try and orientate her, especially in case of need