Es durà a terme una avaluació interna (per part de la universitat)
Metodologies Competències Descripció Pes        
Elaboració del treball de fi de grau/màster
The paper is worth 80% of the final mark. This percentage will be computed on the basis of the results obtained in the corresponding rubric about the written paper (experimental or non-experimental), as evaluated by each member of the committee. Once the mean is calculated, the average mark will count towards 80% of the final global mark. 80%
Presentació i defensa del treball de fi de grau/máster
The defense will count 20% towards the final mark. Each member of the committee will suggest a global mark for the student’s presentation. This mark will be based on general exposition (general aspects like structure, organization, clarity, pronunciation, etc) and defense in the question period, as made explicit in the corresponding rubric.
Once the mean is calculated, this average mark will count towards 20% of the final global mark.

There are a number of compulsory tutoring sessions. Before the first tutoring session, the student must submit a project proposal with the working hypotheses and proposed methodology / experimental design. The student must further submit a compulsory draft of the paper before each of the following tutoring sessions

Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

Students enrolled at the URV follow the ECTS system and are entitled to the calls for assessment indicated in the current undergraduate and master's degree regulations.

Plagiarism, in any form or extent, is a serious academic offense and, as such, will not be tolerated in any aspect of the Master's thesis. Students need to familiarize themselves with the appropriate ways to use and report previously published information. Any evidence of plagiarism in the Master's thesis will automatically disqualify the student. As a sign of good will we require that you sign the attached Original Work form and submit it to the program coordinator at the same time that you submit the Topic and Supervisor Form.