Bàsica OCDE (1990), Manual de la Balanza de pagos Tecnológicos, París, ,
OCDE (1994), Manual de OSLO, , París
OCDE (1994), Manual de patentes, , París
Segarra, A. (dir) (2013), El món de les patents a Tarragona,, Publicacions URV, Tarragona
Hans Verhulst (2015, International Trade in Technology – Licensing of Know-How and Trade Secrets,, WIPO,
Teruel Carrizosa, Mercedes; Jové Llopis, Elisenda i Coll Martinez, Eva., Start-ups: explorant innovacions disruptives a Catalunya, Publicacions URV, Tarragona
Smith, David, Exploring Innovation, McGraw Hill, London
Tidd, J. and Bessant, J., Managing Innovation: Integrating technological, market and organizatinal change, John Wiley & Sons, USA
Zoltan Acs, Regional Innovation, Knowledge and Global Change, Routledge, New York

Altre material recomanat pel professorat durant el curs.

Other references suggested by the professor for each lesson.

Coad, A. , Segarra, Agustí and Teruel, Mercedes (2020): "A bit of basic, a bit of applied? R&D strategies and firm performance", The Journal of Technology Transfer, doi.org/10.1007/s10961-020-09826-1,

Crépon, B., Duguet, E., & Mairessec, J. (1998). Research, Innovation And Productivi [Ty: An Econometric Analysis At The Firm Level. Economics of Innovation and new Technology, 7(2), 115-158.

Phillips, G. M., & Zhdanov, A. (2013). R&D and the incentives from merger and acquisition activity. The Review of Financial Studies, 26(1), 34-78.

Méndez-Ortega, C. and Teruel, Mercedes (2020): “To Acquire or not to Acquire: The Effects of Acquisitions in the Software Industry", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 30, 793–814

Rothwell, R. (1994). Towards the fifth?generation innovation process. International marketing review, 11, 7-31.

Teruel, Mercedes , Coad, A. , Domnick, C. , Flachenecker, F. , Harasztosi, P. , Janiri, M.L. and Pal, R. (2021): “The birth of new HGEs: internationalization through new digital technologies”, The Journal of Technology Transfer, doi.org /10.1007/s10961-021-09861-6.
