Study programme
Double degree in Business Administration and Management and Law (2014)
Cycle 1st
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
6 Compulsory First 1Q
Department Business Management
General description and relevant information Assignatura de màrqueting que intenta entendre el consumidor (motivacions, personalitat, procés de compra ,etc).

Type A Code Competences Specific
 A6 Draw up projects about overall management or the functional areas of a company that reflect their ability to identify and carry out business initiatives.
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 B3 Critical, logical and creative thinking, and an ability to innovate
Type C Code Competences Nuclear
 C3 Be able to manage information and knowledge
 C4 Be able to express themselves correctly both orally and in writing in one of the two official languages of the URV

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A6 Understand the strategic role of marketing.
Identify the implications of an action plan for the marketing departments of the company.
Systematize information so that marketing strategies can be carried out.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B3 Analyze the risks and benefits of innovation.
Put forward new ideas, opportunities or solutions to familiar problems and/or processes.
Type C Code Learning outcomes
 C3 Locate and access information effectively and efficiently.
Have a full understanding of the economic, legal, social and ethical implications of accessing and using information.
 C4 Produce well structured, clear and effective oral texts.

Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction to Marketing A. Importance and scope of marketing
B. Definitions and marketing concepts
C. Marketing applications
D. Orientations and approaches to the market
E. The correct use of information and how to avoid plagiarism in marketing work.
2. Strategic Marketing Planning A. The process of generating value
B. The Value Chain
C. Essential Skills
D. Need to plan in marketing
C. Marketing planning concepts
D. Introduction to the marketing plan
3. The MArketing Environment A. Environment concept
B. Factors of macroentorn
C. Factors of microentertainment
4. Strategy Implmentation A. Introduction
B. Competitive strategies for market leaders
C. Expansion of the total market demand
D. Defense of the market share
E. Expansion of the market share
F. Strategies of challenging companies
G. Strategies for follow-up companies
H. Strategies for niche specialists
5. Consumer Behaviour A. What is Consumer Behavior?
B. The modeling of Consumer Behavior
C. Cultural Factors
D. Social Factors
E. Personal Factors
F. Psychological Factors
6. Business to Business Markering A. What is corporate purchase?
B. Business market vs. Consumer market
C. Purchase situations
D. Purchase and sale of systems
E. The protagonists of the business buying process. The shopping center
F. The process of purchases and acquisitions in companies
G. Stages of the purchase process
H. Management of B2B relationships
I. Institutional and government markets
7. Segmentation A. Concepts and utilities of segmentation
B. Justification of the segmentation of the markets
C. Process to segment the markets
D. Market segmentation models
E. Criteria for segmentation of consumer markets
F. Criteria of segmentation of industrial markets
G. Criteria for segmentation of services markets
H. Targeting and definition strategies of the target audience
8. Positioning A. Concept of image, identity and positioning
B. Process to determine the positioning of products and brands
C. Interpretation of the positions
D. Positioning strategies
E. Repositioning
9. Current Issues in Marketing This last topic changes according to the most current topics of marketing of each course.

The Ethical Consumer
Consumer Tribes
The Craft Consumer
Postmodern marketing

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
1 0 1
30 60 90
Presentations / expositions
12 0 12
8 16 24
8 16 24
Personal tuition
1 0 1
Objective multiple-choice tests
1 0 1
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Introductory activities Introductory class, day 1
Lecture Formal lectures
Presentations / expositions Student presentations
Supervision we call them 'working sessions' where you will be able to advance the work on your group project under the close suervision of the professor.
Seminars These are four practical sessions based around 4 documentaries, 3 of which are directly related to the three project group pieces of work
Personal tuition Come and see me in my office or beofre or after the class, in the classroom. Drop by anywatime but if you want to make sure I'm available first, then send an email to

Personalized attention
As the somg goes "Come up and see me, make me smile." especialy if you send me an email first.

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Presentations / expositions
Consisteix en la preparació i presentació de 3 treballs en grup al llarg del quadrimestre. 50%
Objective multiple-choice tests
L'examen final de l'assignatura constarà d'un test sobre continguts teorico-practiques.

Other comments and second exam session

L'avaluació consistirà en uns treballs (en grup i/o individuals) (50%) i un examen final tipus test (50%).

També es te en compte la participació i comportament de l'estudiant a classe al llarg del quadrimestre en el càlcul de la nota final de l'assignatura.

Notes Importants!

1 - Per tal de tenir en compte la nota d'avaluació continuada, cal treure un mínim de 4 sobre 10 en l'examen tipus test.

Pels estudiants que no treuen un mínim de 4/10 en l'examen tipus test, no es farà la mitja amb la nota dels treballs, i per tant la nota final de l'assignatura serà la mateixa nota del l'examen final.

2 - En segona convocatòria el 100% de la nota és l'examen final. No hi ha avaluació continuada.

3 - No es guarden les notes d'avaluació continuada d'un curs a l'altre, o de convocatòria a convocatòria.

Sources of information

Basic Kotler, P, Dirección de Marketing. Edición del Milenio, 10ª Edición, Madrid, Prentice-Hall,

Philip Kotler. Dirección de Marketing. Prentice Hall (última edició)

  • Santesmases, M. Marketing. Conceptos y estrategias. Madrid, Pirámide, 1999.
  • Martin Armario, E. Marketing. Ariel, Barcelona, 1998.
  • Lambin, J.J. Marketing estratégico, Madrid. McGraw Hill, 1995.
  • Rodríguez Ardura, I. El Marketing y el éxito en la empresa (2ª ed.). Madrid: Pirámide, 1998.
  • Kotler, P.; Armstrong, G.; Saunders, J.; Wong, V. Principles of marketing. The European Edition. Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall, 1999.

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments
This is the introductory subject in marketing. Watch TV, read the newspapers, watch the ads, go to the supermarket, look around, being aware of being a consumer.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.