Study programme
Fermented Beverages (2014)
Cycle 2nd
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
3 Compulsory First 1Q
Department Analytical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry
General description and relevant information In this course the students will learn how to use classical statistical tools and multivariate analysis techniques to solve problems related to teh agrifood analysis. They will also know their potential application in the fields of food authentication, product quality control and process analytical technologies (PAT).

Type A Code Competences Specific
 A1 Develop a thorough knowledge of chemical, biological and technological processes and of the latest scientific and technical advances involved in the production of fermented beverages, from the raw material to the final product
 A5 Use the tools of statistical analysis, chemometrics and graphic data handling to interpret and extract useful information using data obtained during the production of fermented beverages
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 CT2 Formular valoracions a partir de la gestió i ús eficient de la informació.
 CT3 Resoldre problemes complexes de manera crítica, creativa i innovadora en contextos multidisciplinars.
 CT5 Comunicar idees complexes de manera efectiva a tot tipus d’audiències.
Type C Code Competences Nuclear

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A1 Have criteria to select the most appropriate chemometric technique to solve a raised oenological/raised food problem.
 A5 Ser capaç d'interpretar amb caràcter crític els resultats analítics.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 CT2 Dominar les eines per gestionar la pròpia identitat i les activitats en un entorn digital i un context científic i acadèmic. (Ser digital)
Cercar i obtenir informació de manera autònoma amb criteris de rellevància, fiabilitat i pertinença, que sigui útil per crear coneixement. (Cercar)
Organitzar la informació amb les eines adients (en línia i presencials), per garantir-ne l’actualització, la recuperació i el tractament, a fi de reutilitzar-les en futurs projectes. (Organitzar)
 CT3 Reconèixer la situació plantejada com un problema en un entorn multidisciplinari, investigador o professional, i afrontar-lo de manera activa. (Comprensió)
Seguir un mètode sistemàtic amb un enfocament global per dividir un problema complex en parts i per identificar les causes aplicant el coneixement científic i professional. (Anàlisi)
Dissenyar una solució nova utilitzant els recursos necessaris i disponibles per tal d’afrontar el problema. (Creativitat)
Elaborar un model realista que concreti tots els aspectes de la solució proposada. (Innovació)
Avaluar el model proposat contrastant-lo amb el context real d’aplicació i ser capaç de trobar limitacions i proposar millores. (Avaluació)
 CT5 Produir un text de qualitat, sense errors gramaticals i ortogràfics, amb una presentació formal acurada i un ús adequat i coherent de les convencions formals i bibliogràfiques. (Qualitat)
Construir un text estructurat, clar, cohesionat, ric i d’extensió adequada, amb capacitat per transmetre idees complexes. (Construcció del discurs)
Produir un text adequat a la situació comunicativa, consistent i persuasiu, amb capacitat per transmetre idees complexes. (Eficàcia)
Usar els mecanismes de comunicació no verbal i els recursos expressius de la veu necessaris per fer una bona intervenció oral. (Comunicació no verbal i ús de la veu)
Construir un discurs estructurat, clar, cohesionat, ric i d’extensió adequada, amb capacitat per transmetre idees complexes. (Construcció del discurs)
Produir un discurs persuasiu, consistent i precís, amb capacitat per fer entenedores idees complexes i interactuar de manera efectiva amb l’auditori. (Eficàcia)
Type C Code Learning outcomes

Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction to the basic statistical tools Experimental design
Hypothesis tests
Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
2. Tecniques of multivariate analysis Visualization techniques
Classification techniques
Prediction techniques
3. Food authentication Quality control
Fraud control
4. Process control Process analytical technologies (PAT)
Application examples of PAT in the agrifood industry

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
1 0 1
15 20 35
Practical cases/ case studies in the classroom
6 11 17
Presentations / oral communications
2 10 12
Personal attention
1 0 1
Mixed tests
1 8 9
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Introductory activities Presentation of the course, the teaching methodology and the evaluation process.
Lecture Explanation of some basic contents of the course. Since the course is partially virtual, students should consult and study the documentation placed in Moodle.
Practical cases/ case studies in the classroom Completion and subsequent discussion of exercises and case studies that students have previously prepared.
Presentations / oral communications Oral presentation of a scientific article and subsequent discussion. Tutoring in the office, through e-mail or discussion forum on issues related to the course.
Personal attention Tutoring in the office, through email or through the forum discussion on issues related to the course (expectations, planning, monitoring, ...).

Personalized attention
Tutoring in the office, through email or through the forum discussion on issues related to the course (expectations, planning, monitoring, ...).

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Practical cases/ case studies in the classroom
The preparation of the case studies, the process of resolution and the ability to critically interpret the results will be taken into account. 40%
Presentations / oral communications
The presentation planning, structure, form and content, as well as the student's ability to connect with the audience and answer questions, will be taken into account. 30%
Personal attention
Student's critical thinking, planning and managing of the course, as well as their motivation and expectations, will be assessed. 5%
Mixed tests
Students' criterion when solving problems and their ability to interpret the results will be assessed. 25%
Other comments and second exam session

This subject is evaluted by continuous assessment and the grade that is given is definitive. There are no final exams or retakes.

During the exams, any mobil telephone, tablet or other device that has not been expressly authorized for the exam must be switched off and out of view.

Any attempt to pass any exam of any subject by fraudulent means (be this physical or electronic) will result in the student being awarded a fail for the exam in question. In addition to this, the gravity of the offence may lead the faculty/school to propose that the student be subjected to disciplinary proceedings, which will be initiated by a resolution from the rector.

Sources of information

Basic Editor: Federico Marini, Chemometrics in food chemistry, 1ª ed. Elsevier (Oxford), 2013
Editor: Katherine A. Bakeev, Process analytical technology : spectroscopic tools and implemented strategies for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, 2ª ed. Wiley (Chichester), 2010
J.N. Miller; J.C. Miller, Estadística y quimiometría para química analítica , 1ª ed. Prentice Hall (Madrid), 2002

The first two books are available electronically through the following links to the CRAI website:*cat?/Xchemometrics%20food&SORT=D/Xchemometrics%20food&SORT=D&SUBKEY=chemometrics+food/1%2C2%2C2%2CB/frameset&FF=Xchemometrics%20food&SORT=D&2%2C2%2C*cat?/Xprocess%20analytical&SORT=D/Xprocess%20analytical&SORT=D&SUBKEY=process+analytical/1%2C16%2C16%2CB/frameset&FF=Xprocess%20analytical&SORT=D&2%2C2%2C



(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.