Subject (*) CLEAN ROOM TRAINING Code 20705207
Study programme
Nanoscience, Materials and Processes: Chemical Technology at the Frontier
Cycle 2nd
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
3 Optional Only annual
Department Analytical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry
General description and relevant information Aquest curs té com objectiu proveir d'experiències pràctiques per a les rutines i procediments involucrats en la construcció de nano-estructures metàl·liques que requereixen la utilització d'una sala blanca i la seva posterior caracterització.

Type A Code Competences Specific
 A2 A1.2. Carrying out exhaustive bibliographic searches in highly specialized areas of nanoscience, materials and product and process design.
 A4 A1.4. Conceiving, designing, constructing, reformulating and maintaining equipment, applications and efficient designs for experimental and numerical simulation studies in chemical technology.
 A6 A1.6. Analyse, identify and evaluate the data obtained from experiments and databases in the field of nanoscience, materials and chemical technology.
 A7 A2.1. Presenting results in line with the format of experimental scientific literature and in accordance with the commonly accepted standards.
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 B9 B1.1. Communicating and discussing proposals and conclusions in specialized and non-specialized multilingual forums in a clear and unambiguous manner.
 B14 B3.1. Collaborative teamwork, with responsibility shared among multidisciplinary, multilingual and multicultural teams.
 B15 B4.1. Continuously learning.
 B17 B5.1. Working autonomously whilst remaining responsible and using initiative, in a research and innovative context.
Type C Code Competences Nuclear
 C1 Have an intermediate mastery of a foreign language, preferably English
 C2 Be advanced users of the information and communication technologies
 C3 Be able to manage information and knowledge
 C5 Be committed to ethics and social responsibility as citizens and professionals

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A2 A1.2 Understand the principles of constructing, operating and maintaining a clean room.
 A4 A1.4 Can design micro- and nanostructured chips.
 A6 A1.6 Take part in the practices and procedures required for working in a clean room.
 A7 A2.1 Can use characterisation techniques (SEM, Raman microscopy, etc.) to evaluate the micro- and nanostructures constructed.
A2.1 Can use techniques for constructing nanostructures and optimise parameters, scope and limitations.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B9 B1.1 Can intervene effectively and transmit relevant information.
B1.1 Plan their communication: generate ideas, seek information, select and order information, make schemes, decide on the audience and the aims of the communication, etc.
B1.1 Prepare and deliver structured presentations, complying with the requirements.
B1.1 Draft documents with the appropriate format, content, structure, language accuracy, and register, and can illustrate concepts using the correct conventions: format, headings, footnotes, captions, etc.
B1.1 Use language that is appropriate to the situation.
B1.1 Are aware of the strategies that can be used in oral presentations (audiovisual support, eye contact, voice, gesture, timing, etc.).
 B14 B3.1 Accept and comply with the rules of the group.
B3.1 Take active part in planning the team’s work, distributing tasks and respecting deadlines.
B3.1 Contribute to the positive management of any differences, disagreements and conflicts that arise in the team.
B3.1 Make their personal contribution in the time expected and with the resources available.
B3.1 Take active part and share information, knowledge and experiences.
B3.1 Take into account the points of view of others and give constructive feedback.
 B15 B4.1 Autonomously adopt the appropriate learning strategies in every situation.
B4.1 Set their own learning objectives.
 B17 B5.1 Analyse their own limitations and potential for undertaking a particular task.
B5.1 Decide how to manage and organize the work and time required to carry out a task from the basis of a general plan.
B5.1 Decide how to manage and organize the work and time.
B5.1 Reflect on their learning process and learning needs.
Type C Code Learning outcomes
 C1 Express opinions on abstract or cultural topics in a limited fashion.
Explain and justify briefly their opinions and projects.
Understand instructions about classes or tasks assigned by the teaching staff.
Understand routine information and articles.
Understand the general meaning of texts that have non-routine information in a familiar subject area.
Write letters or take notes about foreseeable, familiar matters.
 C2 Understand basic computer hardware.
Understand the operating system as a hardware manager and the software as a working tool.
Use software for off-line communication: word processors, spreadsheets and digital presentations.
Use software for on-line communication: interactive tools (web, moodle, blogs, etc.), e-mail, forums, chat rooms, video conferences, collaborative work tools, etc.
 C3 Locate and access information effectively and efficiently.
Critically evaluate information and its sources, and add it to their own knowledge base and system of values.
Have a full understanding of the economic, legal, social and ethical implications of accessing and using information.
Reflect on, review and evaluate the information management process.
 C5 Respect fundamental rights and equality between men and women.
Be respectful of and promote human rights and the principles of universal accessibility, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for th ose with special educational needs.
Be respectful of the values of a culture of peace and democracy.

Topic Sub-topic
Continguts teòrics:
1. Introducció a la sala blanca.
a. Concepte de sala blanca. Descripció i tipus
b. Funcionament i operació d'una sala blanca.
c. Rutines de treball, activitats i riscos.
2. Introducció als processos de fabricació a la sala blanca
a. Disseny de components: fonaments pràctics i eines
b. Introducció a les tècniques utilitzades en la sala blanca: principis d'operació, abast i limitacions.
Continguts pràctics
1. Disseny d'un xip amb micro i nano-estructures
2. Fabricació del xip dissenyat mitjançant tècniques de nanolitografia
3. Caracterització i avaluació dels resultats experimentals mitjançant tècniques de microscòpia (raman, SEM)
4. Visita a una sala blanca model (Institut de Microelectrònica de Barcelona, CNM-IMB)

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
2 2 4
10 4 14
Laboratory practicals
20 5 25
5 15 20
Personal tuition
5 5 10
Extended-answer tests
1 1 2
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Introductory activities Es presenta als alumnes la dinàmica i contingut de la matèria. S'expliquen els objectius del curs, les competències que seran adquirides. Es realitza una visita a les instal·lacions. Es formen els grups de treball
Lecture Es proporciona el coneixement teòric i pràctic relacionat amb el contingut de la matèria:
Sales Blanques: breu història i evolució
tecnologies actuals
Normes i procediments
Aspectes tecnològics i de disseny
Aspectes pràctics
Tendències futures
A les sessions magistrals es discuteixen les tecnologies existents, abast i limitacions.
Es realitzen tasques grupals d'aprenentatge i aplicació de coneixements
Laboratory practicals Els alumnes realitzen activitats pràctiques per a la fabricació de micro i nano estructures. La tasca consisteix en:
1) Aprenentatge de les eines de disseny
2) Aplicació de les eines al disseny d'un xip
3) Fabricació d'un xip a la sala blanca
4) Caracterització mitjançant tècniques de microscòpia
5) Avaluació de resultats
Seminars Els alumnes presenten en forma grupal i individual diferents aspectes relacionats amb els continguts i el treball del curs:
1) Presentació sobre disseny i operació de sales blanques
2) Presentació de resultats del treball en els laboratoris
3) Presentació general del treball i visita a una sala blanca model
Personal tuition Els alumnes participen de sessions de tutoria individuals i grupals per aprofundir en diferents tòpics i solucionar dubtes teòrics o tècniques.

Personalized attention
Francisco Javier Andrade Despatx 312 - int: 8491

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Seminaris en grup, avaluats per la qualitat general de presentació del grup i contribucions individuals
S'avalua també la qualitat dels resultats experimentals, i la dedicació individual i grupal.
Extended-answer tests
Examen individual final 35
Other comments and second exam session

Durant les proves avaluatives, els telèfons mòbils, tablets i altres aparells alectrònics que no siguin expressament autoritzats per la prova, han d'estar apagats i fora de la vista

El treball experimental i seminaris seran avaluats durant el curs. A la segona convocatòria només es podrà avaluar l'examen individual final.

Sources of information

Basic W. White, Cleanroom technology-Fundamentals of design, testing and operation,, last edition, Wiley
W. White, Cleanroom design,, last edition , Wiley
D. Conway, Practical Cleanrooms: technologies and facilities,, last edition , Elsevier



Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.