Educational guide 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Introductory activities Students will be exposed to a number of cultural clichés about contemporary United States, and will be asked to fill in a short questionaire. Immediately after that, there will be a group discussion trying to elicit the reasons for their opinions.
Lecture All the lecture-type sessions will focus on a specific topic, in turn related to one of the items in the coursebook. These sessions will not only introduce the main topic, but they will also make students familiar with minor elements also to be considered when sudying the topic.
Presentations / expositions Students will be required to prepare in small groups a classroom presentation (60 mins) on a topic related to US culture. Previously, students and teacher will have agreed upon the topic. Students will be expected to use as many illustrative media as they can (ppt, DVD, OHP, videotapes, etc.)