Educational guide 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Topic Sub-topic
The Post-Cartesian subject Language, identity, psychoanalysis.
Julia Kristeva and Jacques Lacan. Kristeva: Processes of Subjectivity. The Abject. Strangers and Outsiders.
Barbara Creed: The Monstrous and the Uncanny.
Real and unreal cities The city as a psychogeographical space. The city as a utopian/dystopian space. The city imaginary. Cities and Bodies. The city as a self-contained site and as one in process of being.
Human and non-human bodies; body modification. Michel Foucault, Donna Haraway, Barbara Creed et al.
Seduction and Desire. Jean Baudrillard and Catherine Belsey.