Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
  Descripció Pes
Activitats Introductòries There will be an introductory reading task on an Early English text, which will give students useful practice for future exercises. It will be corrected, but no contribute to the course mark. 0
Seminaris These sessions will provide practice in discussing key texts, which will then be tested in the 6 CA Test. Regular attendance (80%+) will be rewarded with up to 5% of the course grade. 5
Presentacions / exposicions You may be called to present or discuss your work with the tutor in a one-to-one interview or together with a small group of classmates. This will amount to a feedback session, intended to improve your results in future activities during the course 0
Treballs During the course, you will be asked to do 6 text commentaries, 3 per semester. Your scores will be averaged. 45%
Sessió Magistral These sessions will provide a substantial amount of the information to be tested periodically in the 6 Continuous Assessment Tests. Regular attendance (80%+) will be rewarded with up to 5% of the course grade. 5

There will be 6 CA tests during the course, 3 in each semester. An overall score of 45% of the course grade will be derived from the average these tests. They will test your knowledge on the course contents, as set out in the lectures and seminars, and in indicated further readings in the course materials.

Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

If students participate in the Continuous Assessment programme but fail or miss individual tests (by getting a mark of less than 50%), or fail in the evaluation of individual pieces of written work, they may be asked, at the discretion of the teacher, only to repeat tests or certain pieces of work. In other words, where students have actively followed the course, attending regularly and participating fully, they may be allowed to pass the course evaluation on the basis of partial tests rather than a complete final exam. This will always be at the discretion of the tutor.

If you do not attend classes regularly and consequently do not complete the Continuous Assessment programme satisfactorily, you will have to take the final exam. The final exam will consist of text commentaries, based on the set texts of the course 50%, and short questions to test your background knowledge of English literary history and the theory related to studies in this field 50%.