Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Activitats Introductòries The first few classes will be based on how the "British" are seen abroad. This will be based on stereotypical information.
Sessió Magistral The lecture-based classes will focus on mechanisms used in the construction of cultural identities. There will be a strong accent on theory, especially theories analysing multicultural and gender identities.
Seminaris The seminar-based classes will consist of reading, viewing, understanding and discussing "texts" and films.
Treballs There will be a final written class assignment at the end of the course. This will take the form of a feedback exercise of the whole module.
Presentacions / exposicions As part of the assessment, you will be asked to work in groups of three on a subject of your choice. You will then have to present your work to your classmates. Imagine you are actually teaching a class! You will have to think about content (what you teach), structure (how you will teach) and delivery (engaging and connecting with your audience).
The class presentation will then be followed by a written summary of what you have learned.