Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
  Descripció Pes
Activitats Introductòries Feedback exercise based on the first few classes. 10
Sessió Magistral Second feedback exercise mid semester. 10
Seminaris Third feedback exercise towards the end of the semester. 10
Presentacions / exposicions Class presentations will be graded according to the following points:
* A clear and focused argument relevant to the topic.
* An awareness of audience and purpose.
* The use of appropriate quotations and specific details.
* Appropriate evidence of reading and research.
Treballs Your first written assignments will be based on your class presentation and must follow the essay guidelines which are included in your dossier. The more you read and the more evidence in your writing of independent research...the better your grade will be! (20 marks)
Your final essay, to be written in class, will be based on feedback of the whole module (30 marks)

Final confirmation of your grade will depend on the following: evidence that you have read and understood all the material in the dossier.

Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

If you do not have a pass in all the 5 necessary grades (three tests, one class presentation and one written assignment), you will have to take the exam. Details will be given during the course.

For those students who do not attend classes on a regular basis: your final grade will not be based on continuous assessment but on the following:

a twenty-question test based on the material studied throughout the module (20 marks)

two written assignments on subjects specified in the dossier (20 marks)

a final exam based on a feedback essay (40 marks)

an oral exam based on the reading material in your dossier. (20 marks)

Please note that plagiarism from books or the internet will make your work invalid.