Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
  Descripció Pes

Confirmation of your final grade will be given according to: evidence of having read and understood all the required reading texts.

Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

This module will be based on a series of tutorials. The timetable of the tutorials will be established in the first week of the new semester. Attendance will be compulsory. The grading system will be based on continuous assessment and will include the following:
a twenty-question test based on the material studied throughout the module (20 marks)

two written assignments on subjects specified in the dossier (20 marks)

a final exam based on a feedback essay (40 marks)

an oral exam based on a text from your dossier. (20 marks)

Students who fail the continuous assessment: If you do not have a pass in all the 5 necessary grades added together (three tests, one class presentation and one written assignment), you will have to take a final exam based on the material of the whole course (contents on Moodle + texts from the Dossier). This exam will consist of 5 short essay questions. The date of the exam will be the official date (the "segona convocatòria" or resit) established on Moodle.

Students who do not pass the continuous assessment: will have to take the resit exam based on the following:

a twenty-question test based on the material studied throughout the module (20 marks)

two written assignments on subjects specified in the dossier to be handed in before the resit exam. (30 marks)

a final class essay (40 marks)

an oral exam based on a text from your dossier. (10 marks)

Please note that plagiarism from books or the internet will make your work invalid.