Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Grau d'Anglès (2009)
Activitats Introductòries Explanation of the course syllabus and procedure. Students’ assessment
Supòsits pràctics/ estudi de casos a l'aula ordinària Seminar sessions for the analysis and discussion of the novels and short stories in the set reading list. Students will have read the texts beforehand, according to the course calendar, and to the guidelines suggested by the teacher. These sessions are obligatory as they are part of the Continuous Assessment (CA).
Sessió Magistral Each student will undertake the study of one literay work (novel or short story) of his/her choice, out of the list suggested by the teacher. Depending on the number of students in class, this activity may be carried out in groups of two students. This means that each group will be studying one novel/short story. The result of the individual /group work will be presented in class, before the whole group. Each presentation will be followed by a five minutes’ forum for discussion on the presentation.