Educational guide 
Faculty or Arts
A A 
English Studies (2001)
  Description Weight

Evaluation This course requires that participants: 1) actively participate in the seminars, class discussions and activities (minimum 70% of the classes) 2) write assignments and design activities using new technologies (submit them on time; the assignments won't be accepted after deadlines); 3) hand in online several activities based on the topics studied in class; 4) give oral presentations in class.

Evaluation Criteria

1. Participation in the class discussions and activities-20% of the grade

2. Written assignments and activities-45% of the grade

3. Class presentations- 35% of the grade
Other comments and second exam session

Segona convocatòria

If the students don't pass the continuous assessment, they will have to submit themselves to a final exam, which will consist of the contents and activities taught throughout the course.