Guia docent 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria
A A 
Enginyeria Tècnica en Informàtica de Sistemes (1998)
Tema Subtema
Introduction Motivation and Objectives of this subject
Chomsky's hierarchy
Turing Machine Description and Representations
TM to recognize Formal Languages
TM to compute Mathematical Functions
The TM Execution Cycle
Deterministic TM
Non-Deterministic TM
The Universal TM
An Introduction to the Theory of Calculability Some Limitations of TM
Calculability Principles
The Theory of Calculability
An Introduction to the Theory of Complexity Computational Complexity
Basic Complexity Classes
The Classes L and NL
The Classes P, NP i CoNP
The Classes EXP i NEXP
Complexity Principles
The Theory of Complexity