Educational guide 
School of Chemical Engineering
A A 
Chemical Engineering (2011)
   Learning aims
Objectives Competences
Provide the capacity to communicate effectively with Biochemical Engineers in order to establish goals, feasible projects and products based on advanced notions of molecular biology. AP9
Forecast and plan the required efforts to develop products by biotechnological means. AP5
Apply genetics and molecular biology to design bioprocesses. AP1
Apply quantitative approaches for the analysis of biomedical and cellular processes. AP2
Develop innovative ideas, processes and services that utilize biochemical technology to its fullest. AP16
Take into account environmental impact when undertaking biotechnology projects. AP13
Communication planning: generate ideas, search information, select and order information, diagrams, choose the audience and communication objectives. BP1
Write documents with the appropriate format, content, structure and language to illustrate properly the desired concepts. CC2