Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Grau d'Anglès (2009)
Activitats Introductòries Preliminary concepts and readings will be given to present the basic literary constituents that conform a piece of fiction. These lectures will be followed by class discussions.
Sessió Magistral PRIMER QUADRIMESTRE: Explicacions teoricopràctiques (i apunts al Moodle) sobre els continguts de l'assignatura. Lectura i comprensió de l'assaig de J. Culler "Breve introducción a la Teoría Literaria".

Lectures will introduce the major theoretical frameworks which will be necessary for the reading, understanding and critical analysis of the extracts selected, the short stories and the novel.
Presentacions / exposicions The seminars will be based on the analysis of all the texts. Active participation of the student is expected.
Treballs There will be five written assignments:
--three critical reviews corresponding to the reading material,

--a handout of the bibliography used for the oral presentation

--and a paper on the compulsory novel, which will have to follow the guidelines estabished in the photocopiable materials.
Presentacions / exposicions Part of the evaluation process is based on individual presentations. The class will be divided into different groups and each group, and each student, will have to introduce different issues related to the social-historical context that accompanies each literary extract and short story. A general discussion will follow.
Seminaris PRIMER QUADRIMESTRE: Comentari de textos teòrics i de textos literaris per tal de conèixer i aplicar els diversos conceptes i mètodes d'anàlisi.
Atenció personalitzada Students are welcome to use the teacher's office hours for personal consultation or to become acquanted with the basic structure and contents of the course, and to further practise their communication skills in English. I will also be available for consultation, etc. via e-mail.