Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Graduate in English Studies
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Presentations / expositions
Class attendance at each session is expected since active participation is essential to the course requirements.
Students have to demonstrate that they have read the texts. Their own critical ideas and in-depth thoughts are required.

-Three critical reviews related to the texts of the programme.

The culminating assignment for the course is the writing of a paper based on the compulsory novel The God of Small Things.
Note: Writing the paper is compulsory to pass the course.


Presentations / expositions
The oral presentation will be graded according to:
-pronunciation and use of grammar
-critical development
-reliable sources

Sudents who fail the continous assessment or decide not to come to class for whatever reason will have the Second Official Sitting or Segona Convocatòria. For this, students will have to prepare all the contents of the programme; they will have just one written exam consisting in the development of an essay or different paragraph questions related to the programme. For more details students can always email the teacher.

Other comments and second exam session

PRIMER QUADRIMESTRE: Els/les alumnes MATRICULATS/DES EN HORARI DE MATÍ hauran de llegir els textos del dossier corresponents a cada sessió abans d'anar a classe. Es faran controls de les lectures.

En la segona convocatòria s'hauran de repetir les activitats suspeses (pràctiques del Moodle i/o examen).

Els/les alumnes MATRICULATS/DES EN HORARI DE TARDA hauran de fer servir l'ORDINADOR i la CONNEXIÓ A INTERNET per seguir el curs (a casa o a la Facultat) en les sessions no presencials. En la segona convocatòria s'hauran de repetir les activitats suspeses (pràctiques del Moodle i/o examen). En la SEGONA CONVOCATÒRIA s'hauran de repetir les activitats suspeses O NO AVALUADES (pràctiques del Moodle i/o examen). EL PLAGI invalida els textos presentats.

Per a APROVAR l'assignatura caldrà haver APROVAT ELS DOS QUADRIMESTRES