Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Comunicació Estratègica en la Societat del Risc (2012)
Tema Subtema
1. Scientific dissemination and tenure track: how the anglo-saxon model of "publish or perish" has been adopted in the Spanish academy. The evaluating agencies and the criteria to validate your research activity.
2. Disseminating your research: the genres of the academic literature. Dissemination platforms: academic journals, monographs, collective books. Main Spanish and anglo-saxon academic publishers. Blind peer review: pros and cons.
3. Evaluating scholarly publications. ISI web of knowledge and other indexes. Academic journals in the field of Communication Studies. Presentation of the Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies.
4. The research monograph and the research article. Structure. Language usage: vocabulary and style considerations. Writing in English.
5. Bibliographical and documental sources: selection, quotaton and citation, translation, list of sources. Paraphrase and plagiarism. Main academic on line databases.
6. Footnotes, figures, tables, annexes. Other formal aspects of the monography or the research article.
7. The doctoral process: technical and practical considerations.