Educational guide 
School of Engineering
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Computer Engineering: Computer Security and Intelligent Systems (2013)
Topic Sub-topic
Introduction to cryptology. Terminology. Historical evolution. Applications of cryptography.
Historical and information-theoretic foundations of cryptology. Historical cryptosystems. Foundations of information theory. Optimal compression. Perfect secrecy and authenticity. Elementary cryptanalysis.
Shared-key encryption: stream cryptosystems. Requirements on pseudorandom sequences for stream cryptosystems. Linear generators. Non-linear generators.
Shared-key encryption: block cryptosystems. Structure of block cryptosystems. The Data Encryption Standard. The Advanced Encryption Standard. The IDEA cryptosystem. Attacks on block cryptosystems. Indistinguishability. Key management.
Mathematical foundations of public-key cryptography. Modular arithmetic. Finite fields. Elliptic curves. Complexity theory. Difficult problems in modular arithmetic and elliptic curves.
Public-key encryption. One-way and trapdoor functions. Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange. The RSA cryptosystem. The ElGamal cryptosystem. The digital envelope. Probabilistic public-key encryption.
Digital signatures. Concept. Hash functions. RSA signatures. ElGamal signatures. Digital Signature Algorithm. Elliptic curve Digital Signature Algorithm. Threshold signatures. Group signatures. Public-key infrastructures.
Cryptographic protocols. Identification and authentication: Shamir's three pass protocol, Fiat-Shamir identification, zero-knowledge proofs. Secret sharing. Mutual distrust situations: bit commitment, oblivious transfer, simultaneous exchange of secrets, secure contract signing, secure multi-party computation, computing on encrypted data. Electronic cash. Electronic voting. Quantum cryptography.