Guia docent 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria
A A 
Enginyeria Informàtica: Seguretat Informàtica i Sistemes Intel·ligents 2013
Tema Subtema
Complex networks

This course covers research on algorithms for analyzing complex networks, and models that abstract their basic properties. Topics include network models based on random graphs, analysis of real complex networks, the mesoscale of networks, search algorithms and dynamical processes on networks.

Course outline:
1. Structural properties of complex networks

Several things laid the groundwork for the material in this course, but two stand out in particular: the increasing availability of network data across technological, social, and biological domains; and the rise of the Web as a central object of study in computer science. We begin by surveying this background material, previewing some of the network properties we'll be studying and their consequences for our understanding of large-scale social and information networks.

Introduction to complex networks
Classification of networks
Metrics on networks
Real networks examples

M.E.J. Newman. The structure and function of complex networks. SIAM Review, 45:167--256, 2003.

2. Mesoscopic description of complex networks
Complex networks are analyzed from a mesoscopic point of view, paying special attention to the substructure of networks in terms of groups or communities. We will introduce the main techniques for this type of analysis.
Community structure in complex networks
Community detection algorithms
Multiple resolution of community structure in networks
S. Fortunato, Community detection in graphs, Physics Reports, 486, 75–174, 2010.

3. Dynamics on networks

Dynamical processes on complex networks are extremely affected by the topological features of the underlying substrate. Here we will show some emergent phenomena in the scope of synchronization processes and epidèmic spreading.

Synchronization in complex networks
Epidemic spreading in complex networks

Arenas, A. Díaz-Guilera, J. Kurths, Y. Moreno and C. Zhou, Synchronization in complex networks, Physics Reports, 469, 93-153, 2008.