Educational guide 
School of Chemical Engineering
A A 
Degree of Chemical Engineering (2010)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Case study
The description of each case study is known beforehand and is developed in class by the students. The contribution of each student is evaluated by means of a report that is handed to the professor before the class starts. This report is given a grade based on the effort rather than the "correctness" of the content. 10
Problem solving, exercises
Five series of problems are distributed and should be resolved outside the classroom. Some problems are corrected randomly from each series and the grade obtained os the result of this evaluation part. 5
Objective short-answer tests
An exam with questions on all the subject matter will be part of the continuous evaluation. The exam will last for two hours and a grade of 4/10 in necessary in order to pass the course. 50
Extended-answer tests
The students will form teams and will develop a biotechnological design project. The report of this project will be evaluated with the same grade for all the team. The criteria for the grade will be the degree of innovation and the accuracy of the solution. 20
Practical tests
Five problem hour sessions will consist of handouts developed and returned during the session. 10
Oral tests
The presentation and defense of of the project results in an individual grade for each team member based on the format of the presentation, its content and the capacity to answer questions. 5
Other comments and second exam session

The best 80% of Handouts, case reports, and problem solutions will be taken into account for the final grade. This method ensures that students can learn through the evaluation process and also serves to recover missed activities due to ilness or other circumstances.

The second call exam permits to improve only the grade of the continuous evaluation exam, not the grade of the problems, handouts or case study reports.

During the exams there will be no mobile phones or other communication devices allowed nor the connection to the internet.