Guía docente 
Facultad de Letras
A A 
Grado de Inglés
Actividades introductorias The first few classes will be based on an overview of Romanticism and the Victorian period. This will be done through a power-point presentation of visual documents and texts.
Trabajos There will be two written assignments:

* a Written Summary of your Oral Presentation

* a Class Essay to be written on the last day of the course.

Please consult Moodle for instructions.
Presentaciones/exposiciones Students will be asked to form a group (3 or 4 students per group). Each group will then choose a subject for their Oral Presentation. The topic will then be discussed in a tutorial with me. After the Oral Presentation, each group member has to write a summary and hand it in to me in the following week. Precise instructions will be set out in Moodle for the Oral Presentation and Written Summary.
Seminarios There will be three 10-question tests which will cover the work from the dossier, from Moodle and from the class. Each question will require a brief answer and will test factual knowledge.
Atención personalizada My office hours will be posted on Moodle but I would prefer you to contact me at least the day before to arrange for a meeting. You can do this by e-mail or office phone: 977.559527
