Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
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Grau d'Anglès (2009)
Tema Subtema
Ways of Looking & Ways of Reading.

What questions do we ask when reading a text or when we look at a film or an image?

How do we interact with the text?

How does the text mean?

Introducing the Textbook. How to use the textbook for information.

How to analyse the text through close reading.

How to ask the right questions.

How to recognise language registers.

Before reading the text and after reading the text: what were our expectations and were they fulfilled?
The Reading Process: negotiating meaning. The author

The text

The reader
POESÍA William Blake, Emily Dickinson, Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein, Dorothy Parker, Sylvia Plath, e.e. cummings, Benjamin Zephaniah, Marlene Nourbese Philip, Ishmael Reed, Philip Larkin, John Updike.
FICTION / SHORT STORIES Edgar Allen Poe, Virginia Woolf, Alasdair Gray, Margaret Atwood, Angela Carter, Irvine Welsh, James Kelman, Manjula Padmanabhan
PROSE Sigmund Freud, George Orwell, Ossie davis, Martin Luther King, Susan Sonntag.