Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Graduate in English Studies
   Sources of information
Basic Martin Montgomery et alia, Ways of Reading 4th edition, 2013, London: Routledge
Willy Russell (Steve Lewis ed.), Educating Rita , 2007, Methuen Drama Student Editions
Henry James, Daisy Miller, 2007, Penguin Classics Edition
Dir. Orson Welles, Citizen Kane, ,

Students are highly recommended to buy the course text "Ways of Reading" (see list above for details) in the specified edition, as it will form the backbone of the two 'AnĂ lisi de Texts' courses in the second year. Be careful to buy the 4th edition, if you are buying it new. If you buy it second-hand, any addition will do, but the later edition the better. There are copies in the library, but every theory class will make reference to the book, and you will be expected to have read the relevant chapters/sections before each theory class.

Students are required to buy Educating Rita in the edition specified.If students wish to buy a paperback edition of Daisy Miller, they are recommend the specific edition (Penguin Classics, NOT World Classics) as it has excellent notes, and introduction. However, the text is available through Project Gutenburg on-line, so can be easily downloaded for free.The Film text we shall study is Citizen Kane, by Orson Welles. The film script is downloadable; however, our focus will be on the film itself, as a text. There are various copies available from the CRAIs of the URV.There will be an anthology of additional texts made available through the Campus Catalunya photocopy service, which is a compulsory purchase for students following the course. It will be available from the first day of the course.
