Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Computer Engineering: Computer Security and Intelligent Systems (2013)
   Selection technique and assignment

The PhD Master lecturers will ellaborate the Master Thesis proposals, that will be validated in less than 15 days by a committee formed by the Head of the Computer Engineering Studies, the Coordinator of the phD program on Computer Engineering and the Master coordinator. This validation will make sure that the information about the work to be made is complete and correct, that there are no repeated (or overlapping) proposals, that they fit with the main topics of the Master, etc. The proposals must include the following information:

- Title, director, co-director, reserach group, keywords.

- Introduction, presenting the area of work, the problem to be solved, its relevance, which have been the previous solutions and which are their limitations, including the relevant bibliography.

- Objectives of the work.

- Tasks to be completed to reach the objetive, with an associated temporal planning.

The aproved proposals will be shown in the Moodle space of the Master, accessible to the Master students. If the student finds a work of his interest he must contact directly the director of the work, that may admit the student and request the Master coordinator to assign him the work. This assignment will be indicated in the Moodle space. The duration of the assignment is one academic course. If the student has not presented the work at the end of the course, the director will decide whether to keep the proposal with the same student, to remove the assignment to the student or to remove the proposal.