Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Graduate in English Studies
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
- Redacció d'un treball de curs sobre un tema relacionat amb els continguts del curs (amb aprovació i supervisió de la docent). 25%
Mixed tests
- End-of-term exam 50%
Objective multiple-choice tests
- A number of tests aimed at checking knowledge of theoretical contents and its application to the analysis of English 25%
Other comments and second exam session

Students are expected to read assigned material and prepare readings and exercises before class, in order to be able to participate in class discussions.
No late assignments will be accepted.
No tests/exams will be taken outside scheduled dates and times.
In cases where results are borderline, regular attendance (above 80%) and active participation in class discussions may be taken into consideration, at the tutor's discretion.
Convocatòria 1 (Continuous evaluation): 3 requiered marks (paper, tests, final exam) and a minimum of 50% in the final exam to compute for the final grade.
Convocatòria 2: a unique exam worth 100% of the final grade.
According to URV regulations, “el professor podrà establir a la Guia Docent aquelles mesures que consideri oportunes per al bon desenvolupament de les activitats avaluatives. Les mesures podrien incloure limitacions pel que fa a l'ús o tinença de dispositius de comunicació i transmissió de dades durant la realització de les proves i seran d'obligat compliment per part de l'estudiantat" (art. 21 NAM Grau i art. 20 NAM Màster). This means that the use of mobile phones or any such devices will not be allowed while students carry out evaluable tasks.

In cases where results are borderline, regular attendance (above 80%) and active participation in class discussions may be taken into consideration, at the tutor's discretion.

In cases where results are borderline, regular attendance (above 80%) and active participation in class discussions may be taken into consideration, at the tutor's discretion.