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Facultad de Letras
A A 
Arqueología del Cuaternario y Evolución Humana (2010)
   Fuentes de información

Litoteca, Col·leccions de referència d’instruments lítics

Taller de reproducció d’instruments lítics


Revistes científiques:


Antiquity, American Antiquity, Bulletin de la Societé Préhistorique Française, Current Anthropology, Evolutionary Anthropology, Journal of Archaeological Science, Journal of Field Archaeology, Journal of Human Evolution, Journal of World Prehistory, L’Anthropologie, Lithics, Nature, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, Science, World Archaeology.


Bibliografia bàsica:


Andrefsky, W. (1998). Lithics: Macroscopic Approaches to Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Baena, J. Ed. (1998). Tecnología Lítica Experimental: Introducción a la talla de utillaje prehistórico. B.A.R. International Series, Vol. 721.


Boëda, É. (1994). Le concept Levallois: variabilité des méthodes. CNRS. (Monographie du CRA, 9).


Bordes, F. (1961). Typologie du Paléolithique Ancien et Moyen. Bordeaux: Delmas.

Carbonell, E., Mosquera, M., Ollé, A., Rodríguez, X. P., Sala, R., Vaquero, M. & Vergès, J. M. (1992). New elements of the Logical Analytic System. First Meeting on Technical Systems to Configure Lithic Objects of Scarce Elaboration. Tarragona: R.S.A.T. (Cahier Noir, 6).


Débenath, A. & Dibble, H. L. (1994). Handook of Paleolithic Typology. Volume 1, Lower and Middle Palaeolithic of Europe. Philadelphia: University Museum, University of Pennsylvania.


Djindjian, F., Koslowski, J. & Otte, M. (1999). Le paléolithique supérieur en Europe. Paris: Armand Colin.


Gibson, K. R. & Ingold, T. Ed. (1993). Tools, Language and Cognition in Human Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Inizan, M. L., Roche, H. & Tixier, J. Ed. (1992). Technology of Knapped Stone. Meudon: C.R.E.P. (Prehistoire de la Pierre Taillée, Vol. 3).


Isaac, G. (1989). The Archaeology of Human Origins. Papers by Glynn Isaac. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Juan Eiroa, J., Bachiller Gil, J. A., Castro Pérez, L. & Loma Maurandi, J. (1999). Nociones de tecnología y tipología en Prehistoria. Barcelona: Ariel.


Knecht, H., Ed. (1997). Projectile Technology. New York and London: Plenum Press.


Luedtke, B. (1992). An Archaeologist's Guide to Chert and Flint. Los Angeles: Institute of Archaeology, University of California.


Merino, J. M. (1994). Tipología lítica. San Sebastian: Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi, (Munibe Antropologia - Arkeologia, suplemento 9).


Schick, K. D. & Toth, N. (1993). Making Silent Stones Speak. New York: Simon & Schuster.


Semenov, S. A. (1964). Prehistoric technology. An experimental study of the oldest tools and artifacts from traces of manufacture and wear. London: Cory, Adams and Mackay Ltd.


Stordeur, D. Ed. (1987). La Main et l'outil. Manches et emmanchements préhistoriques. Lyon: GS Maison de l'Orient. (Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient, Vol. 15).


Whittaker, J. C. (1994). Flintknapping: Making & Understanding Stone tools. Austin: University of Texas Press.


