Guía docente 
Facultad de Letras
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Grado en Inglés (2009)
tema Subtema
Native American oral tradition Myths of creation
Jonathan Edwards
Benjamin Franklin
Biodata and main works
St. John de Crèvecoeur
Thomas Paine
Biodata and main works
Thomas Jefferson
Washinton Irving
Biodata and main works
J. Fenimore Cooper
Ralph W. Emerson
Biodata and main works
Nathaniel Hawthorne
E. Allan Poe
Biodata and main works
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Henry D. Thoreau
Biodata and main works
Ambrose Bierce
Henry James
Biodata and main works
Herman Melville
Walt Whitman
Biodata and main works
Stephen Crane
Willa Cather
Biodata and main works
Jack London
Zitkala Sa
Snherwood Anderson
Biodata and main works
F. Scott Fitzgerald
William Faulkner
Biodata and main works
Ernest Hemingway
John Steinbeck
Biodata and main works
Tennessee Williams
Ralph Ellison
Biodata and main works
Saul Bellow
Flannery O'Connor
Biodata and main works
Toni Morrison
Carson McCullers
Biodata and main works
Rudolfo Anaya
Maxine Hong Kingston
Biodata and main works
Gloria Anzaldúa
Alice Walker
Biodata and main works
Sandra Cisneros
Paul Auster
Biodata and main works
Ray Bradbury
Ursula Leguin
Biodata and main works