Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Nutrition and Metabolism (2012)
   Learning aims
Objectives Competences
To know the European, national and regional legislation regarding the conditions of use of experimental animals.
To know housing conditions, laboratory animals physiology and basic techniques of animal (rats and mice) handling (analgesia, anaesthesia, treatment and euthanasia) usually used in research.
To know the alternative methods to animal experimentation.
To describe the methods of residues treatment and disposal in the laboratory.
To meet safety standards while working with experimental animals, and sanitary control of the handlers.
To analyse relevant scientific bibliography to design an experiment.
To know at practical level, basic techniques for experimental animal’s handling. To Know how to manipulate laboratory animals with treatment administration and obtaining biological fluids.
To apply analgesia, anaesthesia and euthanasia to experimental animals.
To do the statistical analysis of the results obtained during an experimental work.
To know how to elaborate the specification of an experimental process under current legislation (art. 33, DOGC 2450-7.8. 1977).