Educational guide 
School of Chemical Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering (2010)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Objective short-answer tests
Hands out:

The students are asked to solve a given set of short questions/exercises during 1 hour and deliver them. About 4-5 hands out exercises will take place during the course, at specified days that will appear in the Moodle.

It is mandatory to attend at least the 80% of the hands out to be evaluated in the first (continuous evaluation) call.
Mixed tests
During the course there will be a partial exam about mid semester. The exam will consists of a test about theoretical issues of the course. The value of the test will be the 40% of the total mark. The incorrect answers will count negatively.

Together with the test, several exercises (typically a couple) will be proposed for solution. This part will be the 60% of the total markof the exam.

The partial exam will be properly scheduled
Mixed tests
At the end of the period there will be a final exam embracing the content of the whole course.

The exam will consists of a test about theoretical issues of the course. The value of the test will be the 40% of the total mark. The incorrect answers will be count negatively.

Together with the test, several exercises (typically a couple) will be proposed for solution. This part will be the 60% of the total mark of the exam .
Other comments and second exam session

The first call corresponds to the continuous evaluation. This implies that the students have to follow the evaluation items. This includes the 80% of the hands outs plus the partial exam plus the final exam. The absences to these exams and exercises will not be recovered and the student will have a zero of the particular item.

The second call (convocatòria) will consists of the same kind of exercise as the final exam with more questions and exercises to be solved, to cover a larger scope. The topics will be those of the whole course. The persons that pass this exam will pass the subject.

During the evaluation sessions mobile phones, tablets or other electronic aparatus that are not explicitly authorised for the evaluation session should be kept off and out of sight.