Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry (2009)
Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction to Biochemistry Concept and scope of the study of Biochemistry. Levels of study.
Methods of study. Biomolecules
2. Structure of proteins. Levels of complexity.
Primary structure, secondary structure, tertiary structure, quaternary structure.
Denaturation and renaturation.
Dynamics of proteins.
3. Enzymes

Enzymes as biocatalysts.
Factors affecting enzyme activity.
Enzyme-substrate interactions, models. Mechanisms of enzyme catalysis. Enzyme kinetics.
Coenzymes and cofactors
Modulation of enzyme activity.
4. Transmission of information
Nucleic acids.
DNA replication process.
DNA Transcription.
Protein synthesis: The genetic code. Mechanism of translation. Regulation of gene expression
5. Introduction to Metabolism
Pathways and metabolic cycles.
Anabolism and catabolism.
Control of metabolic flux.
Digestion and absorption of substrates in mammals
6. Bioenergetics
Thermodynamic and biological systems.
The phosphate group of ATP and energy as intermediaries common.
Coupled reactions.
Substrate level phosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation.
7. Respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation
Redox reactions.
Coupling between electron transport and ATP synthesis.
Role of the shuttles.
Electron transport in chloroplasts and photosynthetic phosphorylation.
Photosynthesis. Photosystems.
8. Cycle of tricarboxylic acids
Central role in the intermediary metabolism.
Reactions of the cycle.
Energy performance.
Anaplerotic reactions.
Cycle regulation
9. Metabolism of glucose
General scheme.
Global energy balance and universal importance.
Stages of glycolysis.
General regulation and energy efficiency.
Pentose phosphate pathway
Glucids biosynthesis. Gluconeogenesis.
Metabolism of glycogen
Calvin cycle.
10. Lipid Metabolism
Lipoprotein metabolism. Lipid catabolism.
Beta-oxidation of fatty acids.
Energy efficiency
Lipid biosynthesis.
Cholesterol synthesis.
11. Metabolism of amino acids

Catabolism. Deamination, transamination and transdeamination
Organification and fixation of nitrogen. Essential amino acids and non-essential. NH3 metabolism.
Urea cycle.
Destination carbonate skeleton of amino acids.
Gluconeogenic and ketogenic amino acids. Amino acids as precursors. Degradation of nucleotides.