Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Telematics engineering (2010)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Extended-answer tests
Problem of translating high-level to assembler code.
- ARM Problem (10%)
Objective multiple-choice tests
Several objective tests of short questions and / or multiple choice.
- Initial Test (10%)
- Logic Test (25%)
- Final Test (25%)
Practical tests
Laboratories. Resolution, in group, of the laboratory practice: preliminary analysis, design, implementation, and documentation. In some practices: individual oral defense (interview).
- Logic Laboratories (15%)
- ARM practice (15%)

You can get up to 1 point added to the final grade, doing optional activities that arise in various laboratories.

+1 punt
Other comments and second exam session

The assessment elements of the course are 6: initial test, logic test, logic labs, ARM practice, final test, and ARM problem.

Students must obtain a minimum score in each of the 6 elements of assessment in order to pass the course. If any element of assessment does not reach the minimum, the final mark of the course shall not exceed 4.5. The minimum score is the same in the 1st and in the 2nd examination period.

The evaluation will be continuously during 1st examination period.

In the 2nd period the assessment will consist of three tests (initial, logic, final), a problem (ARM) and ARM practice (logical laboratories can not be recovered in 2nd examination period). Students must examine the elements of evaluation that have not obtained the minimum score in 1st call. If submitted in 2nd period, the note will be that of the 2nd period (whether it would be upper or lower than 1st call).

The grades from the previous course that exceed the minimum for making average are kept.

In conducting written tests, there are not allowed to use any electronic devices (calculators, computers, tablets, phones, watches, etc.).

If we detect any copy in any activity evaluation, the grade of this examination period will be 0, and the student should take again all the assessment elements in the next examination period (we will not keep any of the previous grades).