Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Double degree in Biotechnology and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2014
Topic Sub-topic
Topic 1. Conversion and dimensions of the reactor 1.1. Definition of conversion
1.2. Design equations
1.2.1. Batch systems
1.2.2. Flow systems
1.3. Applications of design equations for continuous flow reactors
1.4. Reactors in series
1.5 Other definitions
Topic 2. Speed laws and stoichiometry 2.1. Basic definitions
2.1.1. The reaction rate constant
2.1.2. The reaction order
2.1.3. Elementary speed laws and molecularity
2.1.4. Reversible reactions
2.1.5. Laws of speed and non-elementary reactions
2.2. stoichiometric table
2.2.1. Batch systems
2.2.2. Reaction systems at constant volume
2.2.3. Flow systems
2.2.4. Volume changes when reacting
Topic 3. Design of isothermal reactors 3.1. Design structure for isothermal reactors
3.2. Increased scale of data of a batch reactor in liquid phase by the design of a CSTR
3.2.1. Batch operation
3.2.2. Design of CSTR
3.3. Tubular reactors
3.3. Use of AC (liquid) and FA (gas) in the balance of moles and speed laws
3.3.1. CSTR, PFR, PBR and batch reactors
3.4. Operation of reactors in a non-stationary state
3.4.1. Starting a CSTR
3.4.2. Semilot reactors
3.5. Reactors with recirculation
Topic 4. Introduction to microbiological and enzymatic reactions 4.1. Enzymes, microorganisms and processes
4.1.1. Kinetic enzyme
4.1.2. Microbial kinetics
4.2. Bioreactor configurations
Topic 5. Enzymatic and microbial kinetics 5.1. Enzymatic kinetics
5.1.1. Kinetic by Michaelis-Menten
5.1.2. Competitive inhibition of a strange substance
5.1.3. Non-competitive inhibition of a strange substance
5.1.4. Inhibition by substrate
5.1.5. Kinetic with immobilized enzymes
5.2. Microbial kinetics
5.2.1. Kinetic of exponential growth. Monod model
5.2.2. Alternatives to the Monod model
Topic 6. Transfer of oxygen in bioreactors

6.1. Oxygen metabolic demand
6.2. Oxygen transfer coefficient
6.3. Oxygen balance in a bioreactor
6.4. Factors that affect KLA
6.5. Measure of KLA
Topic 7. Design of Biochemical Reactors 7.1. Design of biochemical reactors
7.1.1 Characteristics and types of fermenters
7.2. Continuous stirred tank bioreactor
7.2.1. Kinetics of Monod without poisoning
7.2.2. Influence of the dilution rate. Calculation of the bioreactor wash
7.2.3. Optimal operating conditions
7.2.4. Estimation of kinetic constants
7.2.5. Cell recirculation
7.2.6. CSTR with Monod kinetics and product poisoning Kinetics controlled by the product Kinetics controlled by the substrate and the product
7.3. Tubular fermenters
7.4. Design of a discontinuous stirred tank reactor