Educational guide 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture (2010)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A46 Distinguish the main elements of the relation of the house with the public space
To articulate a conceptual discourse that relates the architectural project with the ideas of the moment in which it is produced
Analyze complex buildings and their surroundings by linking technical, aesthetic and urban aspects
 A68 To articulate a conceptual discourse that relates the architectural project with the ideas of the moment in which it is produced
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B6 Intervene effectively and convey relevant information.
Control their nerves sufficiently to be able to express themselves in public.
Structure their presentations and comply with any requirements should there be any.
Use other media to support the message of their presentations.
Reply to the questions that they are asked.
Volunteer to make the necessary presentations in public.
Understand that non-verbal language is appropriate to verbal discourse.
Plan their communications: generate ideas, search for information, select and order the information, make schemes, determine the type of audience and the objectives of the communication, etc.
Make interesting and persuasive presentations.
Analyze, appraise and respond to the questions they are asked during an oral presentation.
Draft documents with the appropriate format, content, structure, language accuracy and register, and illustrate concepts using the appropriate conventions: formats, titles, footnotes, captions, etc.
Prepare their presentations and use a variety of presentation strategies (audiovisual support, eye contact, voice, gesture, time, etc.).
Adapt their arguments to different groups and/or situations.
Encourage their audiences to participate and ask constructive questions to stimulate dialogue.
Adapt the form of their message to different situations.
 B10 Work in regard to the arts plàstiques modern and contemporary
Type C Code Learning outcomes
 C3 Locate and access information effectively and efficiently.
Critically evaluate information and its sources, and add it to their own knowledge base and system of values.
Have a full understanding of the economic, legal, social and ethical implications of accessing and using information.
Reflect on, review and evaluate the information management process.