Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 

Study programmes

Double degree in Biotechnology and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2014
Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2009)
Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry (2009)
Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry (english) (2017)

Master's degree
Forensic Genetics, Physics and Chemistry (2017)
Nutrition and Metabolism (2012)
Synthesis, Catalysis and Molecular Design (2013)
Applied Chromatographic Techniques (2010)



They are functions of the Faculty, among others:

- Organize and coordinate academically and administratively the teaching you have attached and make them known.

- Prepare the syllabus and propose the modification.

- Develop strategic planning in accordance with that of the University and through the program contracts that are established.

- Guarantee the academic progress of the students and their learning, so that it reaches the training objectives defined in the corresponding curriculum.

- Guarantee the quality of teaching, services and attention to students.

- Assign material resources to the departments according to the teaching program.

- To know the reports of the departments on the economic resources assigned to the teaching activity of the assigned lessons.

- Proposing permanent training activities and participating in them.

- To propose or to organize activities of university extension and to participate in it.

- Promote the associations of former students of the Faculty.

- Manage the human, material and economic resources assigned to it to carry out its functions.

- Coordinate the teaching activity of the teaching staff that imparts subjects corresponding to the teaching assigned.

- All others that the current legislation, the Statute of the Rovira i Virgili University and the regulations that develop it attribute.

The governing bodies of the Faculty of Chemistry are collegiate (the Board of Faculty) and unipersonal ones (the dean or dean, the Deputy Dean or Vice Dean, the secretary or the secretary and the person in charge of teaching).

They are functions of the Faculty, among others:

- Organize and coordinate academically and administratively the teaching you have attached and make them known.

- Prepare the syllabus and propose the modification.

- Develop strategic planning in accordance with that of the University and through the program contracts that are established.

- Guarantee the academic progress of the students and their learning, so that it reaches the training objectives defined in the corresponding curriculum.

- Guarantee the quality of teaching, services and attention to students.

- Assign material resources to the departments according to the teaching program.

- To know the reports of the departments on the economic resources assigned to the teaching activity of the assigned lessons.

- Proposing permanent training activities and participating in them.

- To propose or to organize activities of university extension and to participate in it.

- Promote the associations of former students of the Faculty.

- Manage the human, material and economic resources assigned to it to carry out its functions.

- Coordinate the teaching activity of the teaching staff that imparts subjects corresponding to the teaching assigned.

- All others that the current legislation, the Statute of the Rovira i Virgili University and the regulations that develop it attribute.

The governing bodies of the Faculty of Chemistry are collegiate (the Board of Faculty) and unipersonal ones (the dean or dean, the Deputy Dean or Vice Dean, the secretary or the secretary and the person in charge of teaching).

Deganal team

It corresponds to the dean:

- Represent the Faculty of Chemistry

- Lead and coordinate the functions and activities of the Faculty

- Lead the academic, administrative and budgetary management of the Faculty, and keep the Board of the School periodically informed

- Summon and preside over the Board of the Faculty, execute and enforce its agreements

- To propose to the rector the appointment or dismissal of the Deputy Dean or Vice Dean; of the secretary and those responsible for teaching between the permanent teaching staff with full-time dedication assigned to the Faculty

- Exercise the functional direction of the administration and services personnel assigned to the Faculty

- All other functions attributed to him by the Statute of the Rovira i Virgili University and those related to the Faculty that neither the Statute nor the Regulations of the Faculty of Chemistry attribute to the Board of Faculty
The Deputy Mayor will preside on behalf of the dean of the corresponding commissions.

The current deganal team is as follows:

Dean: Dra. Yolanda Cesteros Fernández

Deputy Director: Dr. Joan Josep Carvajal Martí

Secretary: Dra. Itziar Ruisánchez Capelastegui

Head of the degree of Chemistry: Dr. Xavier López Fernández

Head of the degree of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Dra. Montserrat Pinent Armengol

Head of the double degree in Biotechnology and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Dra. Montserrat Pinent Armengol

Board of Faculty

The Board of Faculty is the collegiate body of representation and government of the faculty.

It is constituted by the deganal team, a representation of the members of the academic staff, the students and the administration and services staff. The members of the Board are elected every four years, except for students, who are each two, notwithstanding the possibility of making other partial elections to fill vacancies.

Among its competencies are:

- Choose the Dean or Dean of the Faculty and agree to revoke it.

- Approve the general lines of action of the Faculty.

- Approve the annual activity report.

- Prepare the project of the Faculty regulations and propose the modification.

- Prepare the syllabuses of the teaching that it has attached, propose its approval and, if necessary, the modification.

- Supervise the operation of the teaching that is assigned and the activity of teaching staff that impart teaching.

- Guarantee the academic progress of the students and their learning so that they achieve the training objectives defined in the corresponding curriculum.

- Approve and apply tutoring and monitoring programs for students of the teaching that the Faculty has attached.

- Guarantee the quality of teaching, services and attention to students.

- Proposing postgraduate programs.

- Plan the use of economic resources, establish the general guidelines for managing them and be informed periodically of the decisions taken by the dean or dean.

- Assign material resources to the departments that impart teaching in one of the educations that they have assigned, in accordance with the teaching program and the coordination provided in the regulations of the Faculty.

- To inform on the proposals of the departments related to the teaching staff that will give teaching in the educations assigned to the Faculty by means of the coordination anticipated in the regulation of the Faculty.

- Inform about the needs of teachers according to their teaching activity plans and the proposals of the departments regarding the creation of new teaching staff places and the vacancies.

- To set up delegated commissions and other advisory bodies and fix their composition.

- To propose the titular and substitute members that must integrate the access commissions of teaching staff.

- Approve the assignation of professors to the Faculty.

- All the others that the Statute of the Rovira i Virgili University and the norms that develop him attribute to him.

For the fulfillment of the functions that are proper, Commissions of the Board of Faculty have been constituted. At present they are:

- Permanent Commission of the Board of the Faculty

- Commission of Users of the CRAI.

- Committee on Security - Electoral Commission

- Commission for Monitoring and Teaching Quality

The current members of the Board of Faculty are:

Nested Members:

Ricard Boqué, Joan Carvajal, Yolanda Cesteros (president), Xavier López, Begoña Muguerza, Oscar Pamies, Montserrat Pinent and Itziar Ruisánchez (secretary).

Teaching staff:

Carme Aguilar, Magdalena Aguiló, Anna Ardèvol, Andrea Ardid, Bladé Tape, Anna Clotet, Juan Bautista Fernández, Joan Ferré, Marina Galià, Santiago Garcia, Aleix Gimeno, Gerard Lligadas, Anna Masdeu, Jaume Massons, Maribel Matheu, Ma Cinta Pujol , Mar Reguero, Jordi Riu, Anton Rosemary, Aurora Ruiz and Maria Josepa Salvadó. There are 2 vacancies.


Allisson Barros, Albert Masip, Naia Morancho, Carlota Odena, Francesc Penas, Elena Mercedes Perulli, Ahlam Oulad, Oriol Ruiz and Adrià Sabidó. There are 4 vacancies.


Marta Cifuentes, Lluís Mateo and Virginia Mora. There are 3 vacancies

Advisory Councils

For each of the studies taught at the Faculty of Chemistry there is a consultative body that attends the person in charge of teaching in the exercise of his functions. They are trained by all the teachers with full-time dedication that participate in the teaching of teaching and for a representation of part-time teachers, students and the PAS.

The studies of Chemistry and Biochemistry have advisory boards, trained by natural or legal persons external to the University.

The advisory boards work preferably in the adaptation of the curricula and the skills that the labor world demands of the graduates.


The departments are the basic units of teaching and research at the University. They are the responsibility of the departments, among others:

- Organize, develop and evaluate teaching activities related to subjects that belong to the areas of knowledge of their competence.

- Organize, develop and evaluate research in the areas of knowledge of its competence

The departments most involved to the present time in the teaching of the faculty are:

- Department of Analytical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry

- Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry

- Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology.

The following departments are also assigned teaching:

- Department of Electronic, Electrical and Automatic Engineering

- Department of Computer Engineering and Mathematics

- Department of Mechanical Engineering

- Department of Chemical Engineering

- Department of Basic Medical Sciences

- Department of Business Management

- Department of Medicine and Surgery

- Department of Psychology