Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry (2009)
   Coordination and monitoring mechanisms
Es durà a terme una coordinació interna (per part de la universitat) i una coordinació externa (per part del centre de pràctiques).

The academic tutors would be full-time lecturers of the departments of Analytical Chemistry

and Organic Chemistry, Physics and Inorganic Chemistry and Biochemistry and Biotechnology

of the faculty.

The tutors’ function of the module Work Experience are:

* To ensure the proper development of the training project and guarantee the

compatibility of schedule for the completion of the internship.

* Monitoring the student development during the practices and complete the

corresponding follow-up report.

* Evaluate the final report of the stay of the student.

* Inform the coordinator of internships on possible incidents and / or breaches of the

student or the collaborating institutions.

The external tutor will be designated by the collaborating entity and then communicated to

the coordinator of the Work Experience module.

The functions of the external tutor will be:

* Welcoming the students and organize the activity to develop in accordance with

what it was established in the Training Project.

* Guide and supervise, in coordination with the academic tutor, the tasks to be

developed by the student.

* Inform the coordinator of the module of any incidences.

* Assess the student activities completing a final report that has to be sent to the

academic supervisor.

  • Acollir a l’estudiant i organitzar l’activitat a desenvolupar d’acord amb l’establert al Projecte Formatiu.
  • Orientar i supervisar, en coordinació amb el tutor acadèmic, les tasques que ha de desenvolupar l’estudiant.
  • Informar al coordinador de PE de qualsevol incidència.
  • Valorar les activitats de l’estudiant, complimentant l’informe final que lliurarà al tutor acadèmic.