Educational guide 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture (2010)
Introductory activities Introduction on the sylabus. General idea. Bibliography
Presentations / oral communications Introduction to the working system of the subject
Lecture The territory plans: Camp de Tarragona i Terres de l’Ebre
The idea of the landscpae
Systems of landscape representation.
Visual expolarition of the landscpae
Modern and contemporary heritage in Tarragona
Assignments Workshop: Projects
-3 escales /4 ambits: City (village), Reus -Tarragona-Salou, Comarcal,
-The first 9 deliveries will be draw by hand and in trasnlucent paper. format DIN A2
-The last final deliveries (3-4) could be drawn in any system and the paper could be either DianA2 or DinA3
-to draw the analysis frame. Geographical, administrative, buildings and city centres
-to represent the infraestuctures
-to represent the heritage
-to represent activities
-to represent empty palces
-to develop a diagnosys.
-to propose an intervention
Personal attention
The workshop it has a theoric and practical side. The practical projects will be developed in class but the need to be developed in a complementary way by the steundets in their own.
It has a progresive character and allows to acquire the knoledgment in a cumulative way.
(*) This metodolgy is a reference in the Architecture Grade according to the
ORDEN ECI 3856/2007, de 27 de desembre.