Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Computer Security Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (2016) - Online
Topic Sub-topic
Chapter 1.- Image Processing. Filtering, image compensation and image enhancement, morphological operations.
Chapter 2.- Geometrical Feature Extraction. Identification of corners, lines and basic geometrical shapes.
Chapter 3.- Color and Texture Analysis. Color models, texture types, extraction of textural features, geometric methods.
Chapter 4.- Image Segmentation and Classification. Unsupervised segmentation based on contours and regions, supervised classification, methods of decision theory, probabilistic methods, neural networks.
Chapter 5.- Stereoscopic Vision. Calibration of cameras and camera systems, epipolar geometry, image rectification, matching, triangulation.
Chapter 6.- Perception and 3D-modeling. Generation of depth maps, extraction of basic geometric elements,
automatic generation of scenes, scene recognition, geometric hashing.