Educational guide 
Faculty of Oenology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology (2009)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Oral tests
The active participation in the development of the discussions in class as well as the public defense of elaborated arguments on the proposed topics will be valued particularly (part of legal and legal aspects). 20%
Mixed tests
Written work, individual or in small groups, which must be presented publicly in class (legal and legal aspects). 30%
Mixed tests
Written work, individual or in small groups, which must be presented publicly in class (Social and communicative aspects) 30%
Oral tests
Active participation in the development of class discussions as well as the public defense of arguments elaborated on the thematic proposals will be valued particularly (part of social and communicative aspects). 20%
Other comments and second exam session

Students who do not follow the continuous assessment must submit to an exam of the whole subject in the second call, and must also submit the two mixed tests that have been worked and documented in ''moodle'' on the space of the subject.

During evaluation tests, mobile phones, tablets and other devices not expressly authorized by the test must be switched off and out of sight. The demonstration of fraudulent conduct of some evaluative activity of some subject in both material and virtual and electronic support leads to the student the suspension note of this evaluation activity. Regardless of this, in view of the seriousness of the facts, the center may propose the initiation of a disciplinary file, which will be initiated by resolution of the rector.