Educational guide 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture (2010)
Introductory activities Activities aimed at taking contact and collecting information from the students and introducing the subject.

Presentations / oral communications Oral presentation by students of a topic or of a submission (written or/and graphic).
Workshop (architecture) It’s the main architectural methodology, characteristic of all the design and urban planning studios. It is a practical methodology, Iterative (hypothesis essay) and Interactive between classmates and with their teachers.
Lecture Explanatory of the contents of the subject.
Scientific and/or communication events Talks by highly regarded speakers aimed to deepen the knowledge of selected subjects.
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom Formulation, analysis, resolution and debate of a problem or exercise related with the main topics of the subject.
Fieldwork/excursions Realització de visites analítico-pràctiques als emplaçaments dels exercicis.
Debates Activity where two or more groups defend conflicting or opposing positions on a particular subject.

Seminars In-depth monographic work on a subject, by relating the contents taught at the Master Sessions with the undergoing simulation.
Personal attention Is the time that each teacher devotes to individual design criticism and process analysis.