Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in English Studies (2009)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A5 Desenvolupa la capacitat d’expressió oral i/o escrita per a satisfer les necessitats que vagin més enllà de l’ús purament instrumental de la llengua anglesa a un nivell avançat.
 A6 Coneix els aspectes principals de la narrativa en llengua anglesa.
Analitza i comenta textos literaris de forma oral i/o escrita.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 CT3 Identify the situation as a problem in the field and be sufficiently motivated to face up to it.
Follow a systematic method to divide a problem into parts, identify the causes and apply the knowledge specific to the discipline.
Design a new solution by using all the resources necessary to cope with the problem.
Include the details of the proposed solution in a realistic model.
Reflect on the model proposed, find shortcomings and suggest improvements.
 CT4 Identify the role they play in the group and understand the group’s objectives and tasks.
Communicate and act within the group in such a way that they facilitate cohesion and performance.
Commit to the group’s tasks and agenda.
Participate in the group in a good working environment and help to solve problems.
Type C Code Learning outcomes