Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry (2009)
   Evaluation criteria and procedures
Es durà a terme una avaluació interna (per part de la universitat), una avaluació externa (per part del centre de pràctiques) i una autoavaluació.
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Mechanisms for coordinating and monitoring the bachelor’s degree/master’s degree thesis
The academic tutors (intern evaluation) will evaluate, by meetings, the student attitude (motivation, participation in the project): 5-10%
Auto evaluation: 0-5%
Extern activities related with the professional orientation: 0-5%
5-15 %
Drafting of the bachelor’s degree/master’s degree thesis
The tutor of the project will assess the student capacity in developing the project and elaborating the dissertation. 40-45%
Mid-term report Inclós en avaluació del tutor /
Included in tutor assignement
Presentation and defence of the bachelor’s degree/master’s degree thesis
The writing project (formal aspects, approaching the targets, introduction, experimental part, discussion of the results, conclusions and bibliography), the oral presentation and the answer to the questions of the court will be taken into account. 40-45%
Other comments and second exam session

In the medium term of the TFG period, the student will submit a report (2-3 pages) to monitor the evolution of the work. This report will contain the following sections: Introduction / objectives / preliminary results / future studies / preliminary conclusions / bibliography and will be evaluated by the academic tutor.

Once the work is completed, each student will present a written report. The tutor of the work, either a professor of the Department or an external tutor, will qualify the experimental work. In addition, there will be a defense of the work in an oral presentation of the report in public session before a tribunal formed by different professors of the Departments.

In order to pass the course, a minimum grade of 5/10 must be obtained both in the report of the supervisor of the work and in the average grade of the court. If this requirement is not met, the grade that will appear in the file will be the one that limits the weighted average.

The second call will consist of a presentation and defense of the TFG.