Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2009)
Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction Field of study of epigenetics:
stable and heritable gene expression patterns, and their associated phenotypes, dependent on the structure of chromatin and independent of changes in the DNA sequence.

Examples of epigenetic phenomena:
- Sacharomyces cerevisiae: mating-type switching.
- Bees queens, males and workers.
- Reptiles and fish: plasticity in the determination of sex.
- Mammals: inactivation of chromosome X.
2. Epigenetic mechanisms. • Methylation of the DNA.
• Modifications of histones.
• Remodeling of chromatin dependent on ATP.
• Variants of histones and occupation of the nucleosome.
• Effect proteins that read the histone marks.
• Small non-coding RNAs: miRNA, siRNA, pyRNA.
• Methylation of the RNA.
• Prions.
3. Epigenetics of embryonic development and cell differentiation. • Polycomb and Trithorax proteins
• Caenorhabditis elegans
• Drosophila melanogaster
• Mammals: specification of cell destiny, cell lineages and differentiation of tissues
• Epigenetic profile of Embrionary Stem Cell and nuclear reprogramming.
4. Sexual determination and gene dosage compensation. • Caenorhabditis elegans
• Drosophila melanogaster
• Pisces
• Reptiles
• Mammals, inactivation of the X chromosome.
5. Genomic imprint and transgeneral epigenetics in mammals • Epigenetic inheritance through meiosis.
• Reprogramming of epigenetic marks in germinal lines.
• Maternal and father epigenetic inheritance.
• Differential Methylation of Fingerprint Control Regions.
• Hypothesis of the genetic conflict.
• Relevance of epigenetic inheritance in diseases.
• Contribution of transgenerational epigenetics to the evolution of species.
6. Epigenetic effects dependent on Nutrition • Bees and ants.
• Mammals: epigenetic effects of the diet and its components in obesity and diabetes.
• Mammals: Effects of nutrition and maternal health on epigenetic marks, development and health of children.
7. Epigenetics and cancer. • Genetic and epigenetic injuries in cancer.
• Anomalous methods of DNA methylation and histone variants in cancer.
• Genetic alterations in genes of histone modifying enzymes.
• Role of microRNAs in cancer.
• Telomeres and stability of chromosomes in cancer.
8. Epigenetic memory in plants. • Pluripotency of plant cells.
• Regulation of responses to low temperatures for varnishing and acclimatization to cold.
9. Discussion topics: * Epigenetics in Assisted Reproduction.
* Epigenetics in Regenerative Medicine.
* Epigenetics in Cloning.
* Epigenetics and transgenic foods.
* Epigenetics in hybrid species: mules and ligands.