Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bach. Degree in Telecommunication Systems and Services Engineering (2016)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Presentations / oral communications
During the last two weeks of the course, different groups of students will have to deliver an oral presentation for 15/20 minutes based on their course project. Each member of the group has to deliver one part of the presentation and be able to respond to potential questions about it. This activity is used to assess the oral skills of each student within the field of Engineering. 20 %
Before delivering oral presentations, each group has to submit its course project (in powerpoint format) about a topic related to the field of Engineering. This collaborative document allows instructors to assess students’ ability to work in teams and to do so in English. 10 %
IT-based practicals
At the end of each unit, students will have to complete 8 "self-assessment tests," including the "Online Placement Test" at the beginning of the course. Students have to complete at least 4 self-assessement tests on Moodle within the set deadlines.
10 %
Practical tests
The final exam includes activities and questions in which students have to demonstrate they have learnt the grammatical and discoursive aspects of technical English texts dealt with throughout the course. 30 %
Multiple-choice objective tests
The final exam also includes activities with multiple-choice questions about expressions frequently used in engineering texts. 20 %

Active participation online throughout the course will also be taken into account, and it will take the form of weekly assignments students will have to submit on Moodle before the deadline. Students should submit at least half of the weekly assignments.

10 %
Other comments and second exam session

Use of electronic devices during examinations
At the beginning of exams, students will be required to turn off completely their electronic devices (either mobile phones, laptops or tablets) and keep them either within their bags or on the instructor's desk. During the exam, it is completely forbidden to have these devices on and answer messages or calls. Failure to follow these regulations will imply that the student will be disqualified and his/her grade will be 0.

FIRST CALL is divided into:

1) Final exam (including practical texts and multiple-choice tests) 30 + 20 = 50% of the final grade

2) Course project (including both the written document in ppt format and the oral presentation): 10% written document + 20% oral presentation = 30%

3) Self-Assessment Tests using ICT submitted via Moodle = 10%

4) Active participation online (weekly assignments) = 10 %

The final grade will be the result of the different percentages of the activities mentioned above: 50 + 30 + 10 + 10 = 100 %. Nevertheless, in order to be able to average all the grades earned in the course, students should obtain at least 4,5 in the final exam. Only those students who followed continuous assessment (i.e. self-assessment tests, weekly assignments submitted, written document and oral presentation) will be allowed to take the final exam.


If students failed to pass their first call based on continuous assessment, they will have to take just an exam (with practical texts and multiple choice tests about all the contents of the course) for the second call. The result of this exam will determine the final grade of the course.